Oval cut diamonds have a long history, undergoing many changes since their early years, the modern oval cut that we commonly see today was finally created in 1957 which was invented by Lazare Kaplan who was a Russian-born diamond cutter.
Crafted carefully with undivided attention here at Venus Jewel, the Oval shape diamond represent an elongated round shape which is designed to bring out the best brilliance and fire with a purpose of longevity for our buyers. The longer ends' of an Oval Diamond creates a great attraction for the viewers when it is crafted inside a jewel.
Did you know?
The Koh-I-Noor diamond that weighs 105.60 is the most expensive Oval Brilliant Diamond till date. This Diamond is said to be priced around 200 Million USD and it currently belongs to The British Crown Jewels; although, it was originally mined from the Kollur Mine of India.

EX+ VG+ Length Width Ratio 1.39 : 1.49 1.37 : 1.54